
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Children's Swimsuit Design!! \(^w^)/

Well here is the swimsuit I did for my final project in children's wear. I think it's pretty cute because my inspiration is that of the retro 50's and everyone liked the red cover-up with the yellow cherries. The original idea was to have a red gingham instead of polka dots, but I couldn't find any red gingham prints on spandex, so I opted on red on white polka dots. The outcome wasn't that bad, and I think it came out pretty well. The cover-up took the least amount of time to make, due to the fact that it's a simple square towel in which I slitted in a certain way to obtain this certain look. After cutting it in a certain way, I just bounded the seams with white seam tape and since I thought it looked kind of bland, I added the yellow cherries to make it extra cute. ^^v
 Here is the outcome of my hard work: 

Isn't it just adorable!!!! As much as I would like to, I've decided not to sell it, but I just wanted to share it. v(^w^)v~ enjoy!!~ 

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