
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Walkout in the Rain under a Rainbow

I really liked this rainbow colored shawl my cousin gave me a while back and I thought it was a waste for being just a shawl so I turned it into a boat neck blouse. Then I thought it would look cute under some overall type dress in a plain color so I made it to go with the blouse... Well it didn't take long to make them, probably 2 hours for the blouse and a day for the overall-dress. I actually design and make my own clothing which means that I actually make my own patterns... -__-... I think the most hardest part in making a garment is cutting out the pieces because it takes a lot of patience and tons of needle poking to do it right....
But anyway here's the pic!!! =>
 I also made those cute looking shoes out of some left over fabric I had and an old slipper I wore for ages.... but I was happy that it came out looking pro, I mean.... my feet is unusually wide so normal shoes give me a hard I practically gave up wearing shoes unless I feel like putting myself through hell.... ^^... If your wondering about the pom-poms, their not part of the dress, it's just simply my mom's way of taking the outfit and making it more fun.... just for the photo shoot of course... and I thought that the rainbow dotted umbrella  went really well with the color scheme.... so I grabbed it for the photo and made it even more interesting.... Hope you guys like it!!!!!  \ (^o^) /


  1. I like the colors very much! It is so happy ^^ You can make those clothes very fast! A few weeks ago I was trying to make a overall-dress too, but i failed.. It is very diffycult to make I think. So very good job! The shoes too are very nice (^w^)

  2. Thank you very much for your compliments... the only reason that I think I'm fast is because I have an industrial sewing machine that sews pretty fast.... I mean really really fast... since I know pattern making... I know how to cheat and make patterns out of old clothing... like for instance... I take existing old garments, rip them up and make new designed clothing out of that so I know it's going to fit... I think that's the easiest way to do things.... ^^... and I don't have to worry about the fabric since I have a whole wall stacked with fabrics from donors who are friends with my mom that don't need the fabrics anymore... once again thank you for commenting.... (^.<)/

  3. Aah with a industrial sewing machine, well I never have seen that but I can beleve that is very fast! But even for the fastest sewing machine on earth I think you are fast (^w^)

    Your idea about pattern making from old clothes is very good! (*o*) Next time I am going to make clothes i will defenitly try it, thank you very very much~

    You are very lucky you get so much fabrics from friends of your mom! I dont have much fabrics.. I even have recycled an old halloween bunny costume into a cookie cussion (>w<);;
