
Friday, July 29, 2011

This would make Arashi fans go Kyaaaa!!!!! ^w^ V

Well today is FRIDAY!!!!!! YaY!!! \(^o^)/.... So I'm taking a break on my crafts and I decided to upload other stuff I made through the fancy Photo-Shop.... ^^.... Well first off, I have a project I made for Japanese class and this is an Arashi Menu I made for a skit..... It was fun..... ^^.... and my good friend (also an Arashi fan) really liked the menu and kept one and I gave the other one to my Sensei..... so if your curious here it is =>

(-o-) zzZZzzZZZ.... Sigh.... Aren't they the perfect men.... ^^.... Well anyway... If you don't know who Arashi is, their a five men group that sings J-pop from Japan.... They are pretty popular there and they are also the underlings of SMAP.... They can act, sing, dance and host variety shows.... Other than entertainment they have their own interesting hobbies like drawing, fishing, cooking, instrumental playing, and animals.... ^^.... Although people don't understand how they are popular because they are labeled not tall enough and not good looking enough, but I think their individual personalities are pretty strong and their need to make people laugh is very nice combination.... I've been their fan ever since I watched Hana Yori Dango (Jap version) in High School..... And then I found out Arashi was the one who sang the opening.... Then I found a youtube video of all five of them dressed up and doing cheer-leading on I think was G no Arashi or was it D.... don't remember.... But I do remember that Nino was wearing a wig and bald under.... It was sooo funny that I got hooked.... Then I became their fan in an instant..... and I'm still their fan..... I only wish that I can one day go to one of their concerts...... V (^w^) v  

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